Security Of Supply

Fuel Buyer Challenges

The U.S. fuel infrastructure is aging. Evidence of this can be seen in the growing frequency of refinery outages, pipeline disruptions and sporadic fuel shortages. Navigating through the complex maze of environmental regulations and alternative energy objectives, the potential for fresh capital investments remains restricted. Consequently, fuel buyers are left grappling with persistent supply disruptions, which can impede operations.

TACenergy Response

At TACenergy, we understand the challenges the tumultuous U.S. fuel landscape poses. We take proactive measures to ensure our customers receive steadfast support amidst escalating supply uncertainties. Through a range of innovative strategies and proven operational systems, TACenergy is committed to safeguarding your fuel supply, enabling you to forge ahead with unwavering confidence.

We understand that properly assisting our customers requires us to cultivate partnerships to ensure success in serving them. The four collaborative pillars that make up the TACenergy service partnership are; Employees, Suppliers, Carriers and Customers.


By fostering robust alliances with employees, suppliers and carriers TACenergy paves the way for unwavering partnerships with our customers. These collaborative relationships bear fruit in the form of a dedicated support team that goes the extra mile to comprehend your unique fueling requirements. Established communication channels open the pathway to relay needs to trusted suppliers and ensure your daily demands are prioritized in coordination with the TACenergy carrier network.


Ongoing fuel truck driver shortages emphasize the importance of strong carrier partnerships more than ever. TACenergy leads the relationships to ensure strong alliances with carriers. Our unwavering commitment to a comprehensive fuel supply strategy guarantees drivers are guided in advance to the precise sources of their deliveries.

A part of the leadership approach is the TACenergy dedicated Supply & Logistics team. Always vigilant with each delivery and equipped with automated alerts promptly notifying adverse loading attempts so problems are handled, and communication provided before it can escalate. These two integral measures equip our drivers with unmatched efficiency. As a result, loading operations are streamlined and optimized, surpassing industry patterns.


TACenergy prioritizes collaboration with suppliers to foster a mutually beneficial supply relationship over hunting for the lowest daily prices, potentially compromising customer satisfaction. While cost considerations remain a priority, our supply strategy involves working closely with suppliers to methodically plan fuel deliveries. By establishing pre-arranged allocations tailored to customers' precise requirements, we guarantee an uninterrupted fuel supply to keep operations running smoothly.


Our initial focus lies in fostering a strong team, carefully selected, to exceed industry standards. Investing in the growth and retention of valued employees, we cultivate a workforce of trained, experienced professionals driven to tackle the challenges of an ever-changing industry. This also protects customers from the impact of high employee turnover often found in the industry.

The TACenergy team dynamically provides expertise and service levels you can trust from coordination of delivery to follow-up on paperwork and consistent communication.


The culmination of these concerted efforts manifests in a determined commitment to meeting your fueling needs efficiently and seamlessly. Rest assured, your familiar support team, well-versed in your specific requirements, work tirelessly to secure a streamlined delivery process from supplier to carrier, to you, in order to exceed your expectations.

With TACenergy as your partner, you can rely on relentless dedication to ensuring the timely arrival of your fuel shipments, propelling your operations forward with relentless reliability. Don’t Just Buy Fuel, Fuel Your Future.

Learn more about the TACenergy approach to supply management.
Speak with a TACenergy sales rep at 800-375-FUEL about managing your fuel supply.

Security Of Supply Overview and Response Sheet, click to Download

Security Of Supply
Security Of Supply